
With the unique MTEST chromium-6 test you can demonstrate with the same reliability as a laboratory whether a paint sample contains chromium-6. Moreover, this method has been officially validated by the Dutch government (Rijkswaterstaat).

This set contains both 2 testkits, 2 control kits, and all required deviced to be able to execute the measurement at every location. Contrary to most available test kits, the control kit enables you to verify the the results and exclude possible interferences derived from other components in the paint.

Technical Specs

The MTEST test method is much more reliable than other chromium-6 tests currently on the market. MTEST developed a test that is on a par with an accredited laboratory test for chromium-6 in paint.

Other test methods can give false negative results. This is the result of, among other things, reducing substances such as zinc and aluminium in the paint sample. MTEST has devised the unique control measurement to deal with this. The control measurement validates the sample measurement if it is reliable. So no more false negatives!

The MTEST test is based on the NIOSH 7600 method, the American standard for chromium-6 research of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Several accredited laboratories in the Netherlands have obtained their accreditation on an own variant of this method.
The MTEST test method is much more reliable than other chromium-6 tests currently on the market. MTEST developed a test that is on a par with an accredited laboratory test for chromium-6 in paint.

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Weight 9.979032 kg

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